Author's posts

Useful Gadgets for Science Students

Now technology has developed a lot. Technology offering a tons of resources for entertainment to study new things and there are some science gadgets for students. Using these gadgets they can study their lessons in interesting and fun way.

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How To Convert PDF To Word For Free

onlline conversion tool for free

There are lots of online PDF to word converters. Some time you may feel to have your own readily available software . First of all, offline conversion tool is actually faster than the online counterparts and second one is, your online conversion will continue online.

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Check Your Current Broadband Speed Directly From Chrome

CHECK BROAD band test free

There are many online tools available to test the speed of your net connection. I like Afterwards their mobile apps on iOS, Android and window phone has now sprung a Google chrome app.

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Best Cool Lock Screen Apps for Android Devices

Best Cool Lock Screen Apps for Android Devices

Everyone likes to keep attractive wall paper but, to see the wall paper one has to open the lock screen. Here are some lock screen apps that is very comfort, attractive and ease to use.

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Record Your Desktop Screen With YouTube

how to Record Your Desktop Screen With Youtube

Now you can record a screencast video of your desktop screen with the help of YouTube and no software required to do that.

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The Best weight Loss Apps for Your Mobile

apps to lose weight

Of course everyone knows that there are apps for everything and here I am going to share some of the best weight loss apps that work for you. All you have to do is just download the app to your mobile and you are all set to go. These apps contain exercises, workouts, calorie counts …

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Roboto font that Google made For Android

Google roboto font

Roboto is first designed for Google Android mobile phones and tabs. Roboto is an attractive san-serif font, and presently it available as a free download for further projects as well. The android phone which shipped before has come up with the Droid sans family of fonts. Then with the release of Android 4.0 or ice …

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