Category: Android

15 Hidden Smartphone Features That Will Easily Improve Your Life

The capabilities of smartphones are incredible; they are not limited to texting and making calls. To make your life easier, more productive, and more enjoyable, they are also brimming with hidden features. Without an App, Scan QR Codes QR codes are becoming commonplace on everything from restaurant menus to product labels. Some may provide coupons, …

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Essential Apps: 12 Apps You Definitely Need for Your Phone

Everyone uses a smartphone these days, and their life are reliant on them. Your daily existence now revolves around phones, from the alarm clocks you use to the cashless apps you use to make purchases. These are a few essential apps that you should have on your smartphone with Android. Google Authenticator Through the creation …

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Experts Say This Common Charging Error Is Destroying the Battery in Your iPhone

However, improper charging could have a severe impact on your smartphone. You could believe that you’re taking good care of your iPhone—keeping it away from severe heat and cold, for example, and updating its software as soon as a new version of iOS is made available. Future battery life will be affected. Many people commit …

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The most effective mobile security software for iOS and Android

Mobile gadgets are increasingly common. A whopping most of users of the internet conduct online searches on their mobile devices. People will start investing in mobile technologies instead of computers as more apps are developed for them. Even social media apps are only available through a mobile device, not a computer. Increasingly hackers are changing …

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Tips for Increasing Volume and Improving Sound Quality in Android

A high-quality speaker is a requirement for smartphones for individuals who are music enthusiasts! It can be difficult to locate a smartphone with good sound quality, or more specifically, an amazing audio output, just as it is impossible to discover the ideal smartphone. If you are forced to purchase a smartphone on a tighter budget, …

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How to Hide Applications on Android

Different people have different motives to hide their applications on their Android smartphones. But one important reason could be safeguarding your private information on your smartphone. If anyone gets access to your smartphone they may get your banking details, your contacts, buy things on your account, etc. As technology development has made the smartphone a …

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Best Way To Manage Autocorrect In iOS And Android

If your mobile is saving a lot of incorrect entries that autocorrect make us annoy deleting and typing the words again are waste of time. So, it is better to reset the dictionary and start fresh (then you can teach your phone any words that you use regularly). To do this.. To reset the autocorrect …

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