Category: Internet

How To Disable Internet Explorer Auto Refresh

Sometimes auto refresh in Internet explorer becomes a big problem and we feel strongly to disable it for various reasons. For example, when you write article on a blog it distracts your thoughts. When reading some important data and while doing many other online works, this sudden auto refresh webpage in internet explorer interrupts and …

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Reducing Computer Eyestrain By Using Apps

Are you a person who working for long hours in computer? Here the software which helps you to reduce eyestrain, RSI and further computer related stress! Need to do to reduce eyestrain: The computer screen is brighter, if you spend most of the day using computer then this might help you to reduce your eyestrain …

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Tips To Save Money While Shopping Online In India

Now a days online shopping become more popular in India and you get good discounts than local stores. Follow the tips below to make your online shopping even better. Here are some online shopping tips and websites which help you to get best compacts while shopping online. Tips to save money in online shopping: Use …

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Create Price Alerts on Junglee

Create Price Alerts on Junglee

Amazon owned a price comparison site  It sends you an email to alert about the prices of the product you want to buy drops by a certain amount. Amazon owned is perhaps the chief price comparison website in India. There are other comparison engines too but they maximum emphasis on the “popular” online …

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Google plus – The Best Online Photo Editing Tool

You want your vacation pictures to look more beautiful. Then do this, make your photos look awesome before uploading your pictures in Facebook or in email.  Image editing tools like Photoshop can help you but it sometime overkills for simple enhancements moreover you need to understand all curves and levels to fix the photos. Here …

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Online Shops That Deliver World Wide

Here’s an online shopping websites which gladly ship products to international addresses outside the US (united states). How will you buy the products which are not available in local shopping but available in U.S. online stores? Here now you got an easy option to purchase. There are many online shops (retailers) in the United States …

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Slide Share Presentation as Animated GIFs

There is a new web called GIFDeck which helps you to convert any presentation in SLIDE SHARE to ANIMATED GIFs file. Just you have to specify the DECK URL and the app with make the discrete slides as images and tacks them all together in a single GIF that will auto play and auto loop. …

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