Excel Keyboard Shortcuts That Will Really Save Your Time

Excel keyboard shortcut keys

Are you using computer frequently. Then you must have come across spread sheets / excel sheets. Excel sheet have tons of features to do your work, calculations etc. in an easier way. In the same way using excel keyboard shortcut is also an easier and quicker way of navigating and executing commands in computer software programs. It really saves your time.

Excel keyboard shortcuts:

CTRL+SHIFT+L (Turn On/Off Filter)

CTRL+F1 (Expand or collapse ribbon)

Ctrl+Z (Undo)

Ctrl+Y (Redo)

CTRL+Arrow keys (Navigate around the workbook)

CTRL+ALT+V (Display the Paste Special dialog box)

ALT+H (home)

Alt +F (find)

Alt + D (font)

Alt + G (Go to)

ALT+ES –  (Paste Special > Values)

ALT + =  – (Automatically sum)

CTRL + PAGEUP / PAGE DOWN – (Jump from one sheet to another)

CTRL + ‘-‘  – (control minus will delete the coloum your cursor is in)

CTRL + ‘+’ – (control plus will add the new coloum your)

CTRL+SHIFT+L – (Toggle Autofilter)

Ctrl+Shift+drag – (Drag and insert copy)

Ctrl+Shift+*  – (Select current region around active cell)

CTRL+K  – (Add Hyperlink)

Ctrl+Shift+: – (Insert current time)

CTRL+T – (Insert Table)

F4 – Change cell reference style while editing formulas

F2 – Edit a cell

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