Best And Cool Google Assistant  tips and Tricks You Should Try

Are you using Google Assistant daily? Then the following tips will be help for you. You can use it Android and acquire most out of digital assistance.

Likewise, you have to work with Google Assistant on approximately on all modern devices. To get it done you have to enter the language of your device but still it does not voice some languages. Next hold the home button at the bottom of the screen and you are set to go.

Best Google Assistant Tips And Tricks

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Say good morning

Start your day well with an instantaneous for the next day. Just say Good Morning to Google Assistant and it will state you what the climate will be as, what the journey to your job glares as, what the news is and when is your next appointment. To customary the distinctive portions of this everyday briefing, drive to the settings in Google Assistant and select ‘My Day’.

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Set a different name

You can specify to Google Assistant that how it should name you. You can ensure it in 2 ways.

  1. Just say call me “say some name that you wish”.
  2. Go to settings -> account -> ‘personal info -> Type the name you wish. Here you can also adjust work location and your home.

Have Conversation

Google Assistant is especially great at maintaining conversations.  Which means you can just ask on any topic. For an instance, if you query a froth question about a well-known individual, then query about an individual without telling her / his name. first, query how old P.V.Sindhu is, then you no need to ask about “how many records does P.V. Sindhu have”,  but only “how much records she have” or “ show me images” if you desire to see images of Sindhu.

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Begin all Types of Android functions

By using Google Assistant, you can do everything in android. For an instance, you can make call to someone just by saying “call name” / set alarm for “time”. You can also use navigation by stating “navigate to location” and message just by stating “text name”, also open any app by stating “open app name”.

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Stay informed

To know up-to-date news just choose some news sources. To do that drive to Google Assistant “settings” -> select “news” and query for certain news, through “what is the news about [topic]”. Here you can insert or delete sources. Also ask for present weather and ask “am I need umbrella?” and it will say that you need umbrella or not.

Translate everything

If you like to translation immediately, Google Assistant is there to help you. All you have to do is, just say word /phrase in your desired language, for instance, “hi in Tamil” or where is the restaurant in hindi”.

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Go out

You can ask Google Assistant to recommend nearby restaurants and users reviews about that restaurant.  Now click on the choice and you will acquire complete contact particulars. State that you desire to view a movie and Google Assistant glances at what is happening in your zone.

Start a game

When you getting bored you can play with quiz with Google Assistant. Just say “I am feeling lucky” and you can begin.  It will ask “how many players going to partake, later everybody will automatically get a nickname. The quiz is legitimately different, like trivia questions, audio questions and so on. Don’t worry if you are losing. There is eternally period for a replay.

In Google Assistant, you have more games to enjoy with Assistant or alone. A lot of games can be found in every category so you won’t get bored at all. Or else just say “I am bored” you will get a good quote, poem or nice facts.

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Toss a coin

If you have a squabble on who can lead something, thenceforward tossing a coin is the only solution to solve it. But not a real coin but virtual coin. Just ask Google Assistant to “toss a coin” and it will toss virtual coin with sound effects.

Ask random questions as possible

You can query any questions to Google Assistant like what assistant’s favourite cartoon is and Assistants opinion about Alexa and Siri. Ask it to sing a song, ask is there someone’s birthday. In screen, you can grasp a list of choices when you greet Google Assistant just scroll down and ask what you want.

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Ask for a joke

If you are in mood to listen to jokes say Google Assistant “tell me a joke” and confidently it will make you laugh.


If you have further tips for Google Assistant, let us know in the commentaries below. 

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