List Of Sites That Providing Free ebooks

Many of us love reading books but you can’t carry all the books everywhere. However the growth of mobile devices made it easy to use… yes, there are lot of websites which provides you thousands of free eBook to download.

You can also download eBooks on your laptops, PC, mobiles phones and other devices in easiest way. Likewise you have many apps for both iOS and android app store.

List of ebook sites:

Project Gutenberg

Project Gutenberg is a very popular site and it has the largest collection of public domain books. Here you have lot of books that is out of copyright and accessible for everyone to use for any purpose. You can find lot of books from the world greatest fiction authors book like Shakesphere, Dickens, Mark Twain, Joyce, etc. You can check from their top 100 page too.

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Free eBooks:

It is really great website provides vast free of cost basis of eBooks available for download. You can also do search widely through different categories and topics.


Bookyards also called as “library to world”. Here you can find lot of free as well as paid titles.

Online programming books:

If you want to learn or update your computing knowledge, then this is the website which has vast source of information.

Open culture:

Open culture has both eBooks and audio book where you can download eBooks for free and you have free audio book to hear.

Free Tech books:

Are you fond of technology? Then this site is for you. Here you can find many free tech books. You can expand your knowledge on tech with no cost.

Online free eBooks:

Online free eBooks is fairly a center for the eBooks. You will feel quite easy to search as well as to navigate which is really very useful and make life easier for the people who are in hurry.


Scribd is a inline document sharing website which wires Excel, word, PDF, powerpoint and other popular formats.


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