Categories: Internet

Slide Share Presentation as Animated GIFs

There is a new web called GIFDeck which helps you to convert any presentation in SLIDE SHARE to ANIMATED GIFs file. Just you have to specify the DECK URL and the app with make the discrete slides as images and tacks them all together in a single GIF that will auto play and auto loop.

This animated GIF allows us to easily embed the presentation in an email message or post it on website just like an image.

In slide share you can embed the presentations on external website by using HTML5 based option, whereas in GIF based method will still come convenient in many situations. For example, you can send presentation in email just by dragging the GIF in your gmail compose window and recipient can easily scan thro’ the dek inside their email client.

Correspondingly, you can post on tumbler, you can tweet the GIF. People can rapidly view your slides in any browse. But unfortunately facebook does not support animated GIFs.

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